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Dr. Bimal Prasad Jit
Post-Doctoral Research Associate (ICMR)

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Contact Information:

Call: +91-11-2659-3545



Ph.D: Life sciences (Biochemistry)

M.Phil: Life sciences

MSc: Life sciences

Research Interest: Cell signaling & Epigenetics

I have always been fascinated by science. I used to wonder about the crucial mechanistic underpinning of epigenetic and cellular signaling processes governing phenotypical complexity and eager to explore them. During my PhD, I worked on how GPCR
signaling fine-tunes the endothelial dysfunction and VOC (vaso-occlusive crisis) in sickle cell model. Currently, I am working on a specific protein family POTE which are precisely expressed in Prostate, Ovary, Testis and Embryo. I am dedicated to understand, the potential role of POTE proteins in controlling the regulatory module of Notch signaling in gynaecological malignancy and chemo resistance in ovarian and patient derived organoid model.  (Research profile:

संपर्क करें:

लैब संख्या: 3029,

जैव रसायन विभाग,

अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान,

अंसारी नगर, नई दिल्ली -110029, दिल्ली, भारत


फोन: + 91-11-26593545

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